Current Market Updates

Week 7 2025 Market update


Bananas- The first four months of the year are always the lowest supply point for bananas. This year several factors including poor weather in South and Central America and a poor growing season have led to extremely tight markets. We expect there to be ripening challenges for the next two months. We do not expect to short product but may not always have the perfect color in the effort to procure and supply fruit. 


Strawberries: Although harvest yields have improved, Florida and California growing regions are still behind typical production levels. We expect see continued improvement the next few weeks. Quality is excellent on the Florida fruit.

Blackberries and raspberries: Starting to see improvement in supplies as the Baja California region of Mexico has begun harvest

Blueberries: Blueberry markets have started climbing. Chile has had rain and heat affecting yields. Quality is falling off quickly. We will likely shift to MX products when available in a couple of weeks. Florida will ramp up in mid-March. Markets will rise for the next few weeks.

Cherries- The import cherry season is at the tail end, and we are working to clean up the supplies


Clementines: California harvest is in full swing supplies and quality are good.

Navel Oranges: California fruit is in stores, quality is good.

Lemons: Good supply and quality as we have transitioned to California.

Limes: Harvest has leveled, and supplies are good.

Grapes:  The industry has moved into the Peruvian and Chilean import deal, quality is good and supplies have improved.

Apples: New crop apples are available. This year’s crop is smaller than last year's. Honeycrisp volume is down 30% year over year.

Avocados: Tightening supplies, restricted harvests, and border challenges have caused the market to rise. Demand is strong.

Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Mini Watermelons Imports – Supplies have improved. 

Hothouse- There is a potential that Mexican tariffs could increase cost for the hothouse items in March.

Beefsteak Tomatoes – Good supply currently. 

TOV – Excellent supply. 

Colored Peppers – Supplies are good, we expect to see this continue into the spring. 

Hydro Cukes– Good supplies and currently promotable.

Eastern Vegetables- We have passed through the harvest gaps created by last Fall’s hurricanes.

Green beans: Excellent supply currently available. 

Green Pepper: Excellent supply currently available. 

Field-grown tomatoes: We have seen tomato supply increase the past week. Supplies are good. 

Cucumbers, squash, corn, bell pepper, and eggplant – Good supplies all around. 

Lettuces and Leafy Greens: The transition to Yuma is complete and quality has been excellent, we will be in that growing region until March. Quality is excellent. 

We still have a handful of stores taking invalid credit on Iceberg and Romaine hearts. Rib discoloration does not mean the product is out of grade and if only cap leaves are affected credit is not appropriate... The quality evaluation on all lettuce needs to follow two criteria and credit should not be requested if one of these things is not present: 

1. Decay

2. Discoloration affecting the product deeper than the first three leaves If it is just brown or pink discoloration on the bottom of the iceberg head it is in grade and credit should not be requested.

Mango- Good supplies out of Ecuador and Mexico is beginning this week. We expect improving supplies over the next few weeks. 

Onions: We continue to see a rising market with extremely tight supplies of white onions. Yellow onions are in storage in the Northwest and will take us into March with an adequate supply. 

Pears: Washington is wrapping up and we will move to imports in the next few weeks. 

Potatoes: Russet harvest is complete. The smaller sizes are limited this season with an abundance of the 40-60cts available. Red and Gold harvests have begun in Florida and the markets are well supplied and promotable.